Friday, 22 November 2013


Hi loves,
A question to ask, what is overall wellness to you?

My group and I went ahead in talking about the things we believe which can lead to us, being overall well. Each of us believe that being well does not just mean by keeping fit and eating a  regular healthy diet. Having positive emotions and simply just being satisfied and happy with your life are also important factors to overall wellness.

To double confirm, we went ahead to google on overall wellness:
Guess what we found!?


"A person’s overall wellness is more than just the physiological workings of the body. It includes their psychological state. These two factors- body and mind can be closely knit and changes to one can have positive or adverse effects on the others."

So in conclusion, to achieve overall wellness, one must be living healthily and be geuninely happy!

 We will be covering on 4 posts of how to live healthily(exercising regularly and having a healthy eating diet) and be psychologically well.

Today, we will be covering on how to be overall well psychologically.

To be psychologically well, one has to be happy. To be happy about your your life, happy with who you are, and what you know, and what you have!

So today we are going to touch on the big word "HAPPINESS."

As a student, we are always facing this big word "STRESS". There are always so many assignments and projects for us to complete and submit!

Having a little stress is healthy! However, inevitably, there will be times when you will feel stressful and negative. There will be times when you get barely few hours of sleep. At the end of the day, your eyes suffer!

To add on, you may go to school the next day feeling so exhausted and frustrating that you end up falling asleep in class or throwing a tantrum to your loved ones.

Being a tertiary students, projects are inevitable as well. We can never escape from projects because it is part of our school learning process. In any group, there will always bound to have group conflict. And if you are unlucky and get bad group mates, you may get so frustrated and helpless that you want to just blow up!!

Or you even just wanna cry!!

Dont worry!! 
If you constantly feel this way, we feel you guys!

But do you know, despite chasing a stressful mile of endless deadlines in school, Abigail and Patrine still manage to find some 'little' happiness in school :)

Today, let Abigail and Patrine tell you what they do to be happy and positive in their everyday school life!


1. Everybody needs friends.

Nobody is meant to be alone in this world!!!

There aren't many things more important than friendship. A friend is someone you can talk with about a problem, someone who is always there when you need a hand, someone you can trust with your deepest secrets, someone who makes you laugh, At every point in our life, we all need a friend.
Friends are an important source of comfort in our life because they are our emotional support.

So find some close friends in school whom you can trust and have joy with them. With close friends, you can find every reasons to laugh and to be silly with. You can also share with each other your HAPPINESS together.
a) Take silly photos  and video together in school to capture the happy memories:

Being silly before class starts :)

Taking our OOTD together :)

Celebrate each other birthday in school!!! :)

In the toilet HAHAHAH.


b) If eating food makes you happy, go ahead! Eat your favourite food in school with your friends!!!! :)


Ice-cream on a hot day to make us cool down :)

Patrine absolutely love SCRAMBLE EGG and Abigail loves HOT DOG PLUS POTATO WEDGES!!!! :)

Lastly, you don't have to go home all the time after school!

c) Go out once in a while after school to do your favourite hobbies!! But don't go out all the time, because school work is still important. Go out once in a blue moon to let your hair down and chill :)

We were heading to Orchard after school to unwind and get our favourite healthy drink :)


And patrine loves it too :)

     One random day where we went shopping after school :)

Here's a video of that rounds up our HAPPINESSS in school for one entire semester!!! :)

Need more tips? Fret no, our Psychologically 2 will be posted soon :) So stay tuned to our blog for more updates :) 

To be continued..

Stay beautiful!
With love;
Ohsobeaute Team

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